2017 Construction Photos
This is the site in early January 2017. Chuckster's has about five acres, which require much site work, and the moving of a historical barn off the site.
The barn after it was jacked up in mid-February; now it is ready to literally roll a few hundred yards off the site.
March 8, 2017 During the recent warm spell, we were able to get much of the filling and compacting completed.
March 30, 2017 Site work is progressing. Well was installed last week. Site drainage work is largely done. Within a couple weeks now of building mini golf holes.
April 27 Gerry unloading another shipment of light fixtures
April 27, 2017 Conduits running all over the site to supply power to the many features we'll have. Gerry, our electrician, when asked how many feet of conduit he installed, replied "miles."
April 27 Prepping the foundation for the ice cream barn
April 27 Septic system leach field almost ready